What is Quantum Expansion Coaching?

Being a Certified Quantam Expansion Coach is all about heart-centered coaching. One-on-One coaching is my specialty. This allows us to develop a trust and rapport between coach and client. I will listen carefully to what you have to say and will coach with my intuition and guided exercises.
I will help you achieve clarity of your dreams and passion in any area of life. Together, we will uncover what you truly want, not what you THINK or were TOLD you SHOULD do or want. We do this by lovingly detaching from “your story” so you are able to write a new story that fits you and your beliefs in a more authentic way.
You will gain confidence in your unique abilities and desires by embodying and trying on the “new you” through guided meditations that help you to get on the same vibration of the thing or desire that you want.
Ultimately, we will uncover commitment to the new vision you have discovered. Amazingly, this vision has always been within you, you just were not able to see or feel it. Now you are embodying this new reality into your physical reality.
Expansion Coaching is for any woman who wants MORE
More joy, love, passion, purpose, playfulness and authenticity
To break free from her own limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, procrastination and perfectionism
A shift in her own identity
To learn skills and have tools to have happier, more fulfilling relationships at home and work
A career change or shift
To be empowered to accomplish her dreams and goals
To rise above reactive emotional responses and communicate with love in all she does
An abundant money mindset
To calm and balance her own nervous system to find peace of mind to thrive in life with consistency
4 Weekly Sessions
Specifically customized to help you achieve your goals for healing, structuring your lifestyle, finding and living your purpose or whatever wishes, needs or desires you would like.
Package Price
Includes email/text support during your package.
I see you
I have been where you are now