Certified Quantum Expansion Coach and Empath
Wife, Mother, Dog Mom to Josie, Dental Hygienist, Imperfect Human
I have spent my career devoted to my dental hygiene patients. I love them. They have taught me so much over the years, from simple things like great restaurants and travel destinations to the true lessons of living life to its fullest before our time runs out.
Today, I focus on ~balance~ in life. I still serve my dental hygiene patients but only a few days a week. I have learned that combining all of the things that I enjoy and value makes for the very "best version of myself". I spend time in nature, hiking, walking through the creek, noticing the little things, like a frog or lizard on the bank, the blue sky, the fluffy clouds imagining what they could resemble in real life, noticing the smell of pine trees, feeling the breeze in my hair.
But I did not get here magically. I began to experience unrelenting body aches and pains which inspired me to begin to evaluate why I continued to live and work in chronic constant pain. What else could I possibly be qualified to do? I was feeling defeated, lost, confused and quite frankly, angry. Angry that doing something that I have loved caused irreversible damage to my body. It happens slowly, over the years. I was spending so much money every week on massage therapy, chiropractic care, physical therapy, acupuncture and supplements. I thought to myself, there has to be something else I can do for my livelihood, but what? Thoughts would swirl around in my head about all of the possible things I would like to do with my career. Then the negative self-talk would start to set in…” You aren’t qualified to do this or that, You never finished your degree-I don’t have any transferable skills” …the list can go on and on.
In October of 2022, I saw a post on social media about a hygienist offering a free 6-week group coaching program. As a new coach, she was looking for volunteers to hone her skills. I thought, “what have I got to lose? It’s free and it certainly can’t hurt me”. I was at my lowest low, crying daily, suffering with pain, thinking, “is this all life has to offer me?” I decided to take a chance and be her volunteer. This was my first introduction to Expansion Coaching.
Simultaneously, I started working with the Dentele Group. The founder, Allison, had me take a career aptitude test that really helped me whittle down and hone-in on what I am really good at and what interests me. Surprisingly, "coaching" was a career suggestion. I'm going to be honest here, I actually thought this meant a sports coach, which I just laughed at because I am the last person that would be involved in sports!
I began the unfamiliar task of networking on LinkedIn and I had some amazing responses and made some great connections. I began to focus, do research on the careers and made a decision to pursue a particular field.
During this time, I worked with the 6-week Quantum Expansion Coaching program, which led me to want more and more. I decided to invest in myself (maybe for the first time ever!!) and purchased the Self-Coaching modules. I began to work on myself, on my schedule and time frame. I started to understand all of the ways I was sabotaging myself and really keeping me stuck in my “nightmare”. I was growing and changing every day. Change is not linear nor a straight upward curve. But I started to see the people around me start to change as well, just by me altering my reactions, attitudes and showing more love and compassion toward my family and people in general all around me in my life. I also discovered what I am most passionate about...That is helping other women find their truth, their why in life.
Quantum Expansion Coaching has been so life changing for me that I wanted to share it with as many women as I can, who maybe are just like me! I began the process of becoming an Expansion Coach and have received my certification. I continue to work part time in dental hygiene, which has improved my physical status of aches and pains and I still get to serve the patients that have entrusted me with their oral health. I am so lucky and blessed. And I am human just like you. I still make mistakes, say the wrong thing, can get to feeling down, but now I have the tools and experience to recognize these traits and quickly turn it around with proven techniques.
I am always seeking and learning new things having to do with health and wellness. I obtained my Certification in Holistic Nutrition in May of 2017. My latest endeavor is incorporating the amazing technology of Solex. The Inner Voice software platform offers yet another layer to quantum level brain balancing. When we talk or sing, we generate a series of musical notes and chords that emotionally express to thelistener characteristics and attributes of ourpersonality, many of which are deeply hidden in oursubconscious mind. What we emotionally expressthrough our voice has a profound effect on ourpersonal, and business relationships, and as directextension, our happiness and success. We live our lives largely unaware of the vast amount of information we communicate daily with our voice. The actual words we speak are either empowered, or nullified by the programming of our subconscious mind.The link between music and emotions is well established. A motion picture soundtrack is designed to establish our emotional understanding of the film's message. Talented composers skillfully manipulate our emotional response to what we hear by triggering our autonomic nervous system. Their artful manipulation can pull at our heart strings, bring tears to our eyes, fill us with hope, or terrify us.Ignoring the impact of negative emotions and stress communicated by the voice can put our health intojeopardy. The American Medical Association (AMA) states that 80 percent of all health problems are stressrelated, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that 85 percent of all diseases appear to have an emotional element.
Inner-Voice technology uses sound harmonizingtechniques, which generate balancing audio frequenciesderived from the voice spectrum excesses, andweaknesses, in the human voice.Stated plainly, Inner-Voice diminishes frequencies thatare in excess and supplements frequencies that we lack. Inner-Voice focuses on the three high notes that are excessively out of balance, or over represented,as well as the lowest note that is being suppressed.